House rule

If you miss anything in the facility or need help, contact us with confidence. All furnituries in your room or on the terrace can be used by you. With the request, handle all the equipment and inventory carefully. You agree to treat the room with care and to ensure that other fellow travelers acept these rules.

Guests who are not registered can´t stay here and enter to the property only with our permission!

Please do not dispose of the toilet paper in the toilet but in the designated waste bin!

Smoking in our rooms is prohibited. Damage such as burn marks and holes in or on furniture, flooring, bed linen, tablecloths, etc. means that we have to charge you for the replacement value. Please smoke only on the terraces or in the breakfast space there are ashtrays available!
This rule also apply to contamination by food or drinks that are no longer clean. This is by no means included in the rental price.

Please respect the privacy of the other guests and only use the terrace on their respective floor. The roof terrace is accessible to all guests by the external sters on the back of the house!

Please do not give your keys out of hand. If the keys are lost, the renter is liable up to the amount of the replacement cost of a new lock with a key. The key can´t be given to third parties. We will glad take the key in safe when you leave the room.

Please close all windows and doors when you leaving the room to avoid damage caused by bad weather. When starting up the air conditioner please keep doors and windows closed. When you leaving the room, the light and the air conditioning must be switched off!

Nobody damages or deliberatley loses things. However, it can happen to anyone that something gets broken or lost. We would be glad, if you inform us about the damage or loss, and we do not have to determine this after your departure or final cleaning.
The guest is liable for damage or loss in the amount of the replacement value.

When reserving the rooms, we assume that the house rules were read. This was recognized with a booking! For questions we are happy to help We wish all guests a nice stay and thank you for your understanding

your House Dos Mundos